This project focuses on creating my Final Major Project, which will serve as a way for me to present the skills that I have developed.
For this project, we could choose what we would want to do between 10 different projects. That was the moment where I came across my first obstacle, that being that I did not know what project I wanted to do. Even though I have chosen to create an album cover for 2 music groups, I felt like it shut off my creativity, as I would have to create a cover based on their needs, which is to be expected as in the future, I will have to create products based on the information given by my employer. However, whilst writing for my proposal about my project concepts, I no longer felt comfortable with doing an album cover as my Final Major Project. This situation got solved quickly as the teacher provided us with 3 more additional choices, one of them being a 60-90 second (about 1 and a half minutes) teaser trailer based on a movie of our choosing or for our own movie. This meant that I would have much more creative freedom with what I want my final project to look like.
After completing the beginning of my FMP (Final Major Project), I moved onto task 7.2. For this task, I had to create a foundation of what exactly I was going to do for my FMP. Because I already had an idea of what I wanted to create, I created a spider-diagram outlining some of the standards that horror teaser trailers usually utilise. However, whilst creating my spider-diagram, I came across an issue where every time I re-arrange the spider-legs, leave the website, and return to it, those re-arraignments are undone. To this moment, I am unaware to why this is happening, however, this is mostly happening due to some bug Wix is currently having some issues.
After completing my spider-diagram, I create a questionnaire and send it to my peers to learn what they like in horror movie teaser trailers, what exactly did they see in them and what they would want to change. However, this turned out to not be helpful, as only 1 student out of the 5 and gave me back the questionnaire could answer the questions to their fullest, whilst others simply gave me answers that were too short or left them blank. This felt frustrating to me as my own fellow students were sabotaging me and my work, only because they were not capable of answering a couple of questions properly for 5-10 minutes. The only way I presume I can avoid this issue in the future is by sending questionnaires to people who are willing to spend their time filling in the questions properly.
Lastly, I began my work on skills that I may have to learn to ensure that my project is at its best quality. This section will serve as a reminder to me to learn specific skills to improve the outcome of my project and to utilise them in my future projects.
Now I have started task 7.3, which is to use primary and secondary research to find inspirations for my FMP. Although I made some progress on my secondary research, this section of my project remains unfinished until I find the appropriate time to do my primary research and finish off my secondary research.